About AIBIoT

At AIBIoT, we realize how to benchmark intuitively. Think global. Think customized. Think cross-media. But don't think all three at the same time. If all of this seems confounding to you, that's because it is! We think that most best-of-breed, efficient use of the hype technologies like combining the Internet of Things with Big Data and analyzeses this data with Artificial Intelligence.

Quick: do you have a 24/7 strategy for coping with IoT sourcing? We will innovate the customization of your solution to transform. If all of this seems unimagined to you, that's because it is!

Legal Note:

The AIBIoT GmbH is responsible for the contents of this pages.


Hornemannstr. 12
31137 Hildesheim

Handelsregister HRB-206588 Amtsgericht Hildesheim

Geschäftsführer Lukas Grunwald

Contact AIBIoT
Phone +49-5121-9294233
Generic questions info@aibiot.de
Sales sales@aibiot.de

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